Gangster Hero Grand Simulator

Gangster Hero Grand Simulator

Gangster Hero Grand Simulator is a simulation game where you can commit crimes in the open world. In this game, you can drive cars, motorcycles or tanks in the huge city, explode and blow up other vehicles if you want.

Gangster Hero Grand Simulator is a simulation game where you can commit crimes in the open world. In this game, you can drive cars, motorcycles or tanks in the huge city, explode and blow up other vehicles if you want.

In this game, which has an advanced character system, you create your own avatar and you fight with this avatar.
There are many weapons in the game, but you need to buy most of them. You have to earn money to buy it. For this, complete the missions and become the king of the criminal world.

Perform motorcycle stunts, crush pedestrians with a car and cause mayhem in the huge city.

How to play?

W -Accelerate, S -Backward, A -Steer Left, D -Steer Right, C -Change Camera, R-Reset Car, Space – Jump, L-Shift – Sprint / Nitro, M -Map,F -Car Enter/Exit, I -Instructions, P/Esc -Pause, H -Horn, Q -Roll, E -Inventory, Z -Radio